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Volunteer Info

Our Location on Campus

We are located on the west end of the first floor of the Howard S. McDonald Building (MCDB). The McDonald building is just south of the Engineering Building (EB) and north-east of the Life Sciences Building (LSB).

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Where to Park

From N 700 E, turn into the BYU parking lot directly across the street from J-Dawgs. Turn right up the hill. Continue around the parking loop until you see the McDonald building. Turn right toward the dead end to the facility parking lot. We will give you a parking pass to place on your rearview mirror.

What to Expect

Our MRI machine is 60,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field. Due to this amazing amount of power, we take safety precautions to prevent injury and property damage. Our technicians are thoroughly trained in MRI safety, First Aid, and CPR.

You will be required to fill out an MRI safety form. If safe to scan, you will have to remove all electronic and metallic items from your person. We provide a changing room and lockers. Afterwards, our technicians will use a metal detector to ensure that you are safe entering the magnet room.

When in the magnet room, you will be given earplugs for hearing protection and a squeeze bulb to alert the technicians if anything is wrong. You will be able to communicate with our technicians in between scans.

Before entering the magnet room, you must remove all:

  • Credit/ID cards
  • Coins
  • Keys
  • Cell phones and other electronics
  • Digital and analog watches
  • Eyeglasses
  • Hearing aids
  • Jewelry (e.g., earrings/body piercings, rings)
  • Hair clips, pins, barrettes
  • Long zippers (e.g., jacket)
  • Hats
  • Safety pins
  • Paper clips
  • Pens
  • Pocketknives
  • Nail clippers
  • Tools
  • Shoes
  • Medicine patches


For your convenience, please leave any of these items at home if possible.

Please avoid wearing:

  • Under-wire bras
  • Suntan lotion
  • Anti-microbial athletic clothing

We will not scan you if:

  • You have a new tattoo (within the last 48 hours)
  • You have a pacemaker or ICD
  • You have an aneurysm clip
  • You have any electronic, mechanical, or magnetic implants, biostimulators, neurostimulators, or spinal cord stimulators
  • You have any ear implants (e.g., cochlear, stapes)
  • You have internal electrodes or wires
  • You have any other contraindications to being scanned

You will be thoroughly screened before entering the magnet room.

If you have any questions, please email us at mri@byu.edu.